Make a donation
If you are considering donating to our schools and projects, please check out our support us page where we detail our current projects and the areas that are currently most in need. We also have a wishlist. This is by no means an exhaustive list as we are constantly developing new programs.
If you would like to donate your time, then please see our Volunteer Program.
THANK YOU – We look forward to hearing from you!!!
Through Bank Transfer
If you would like to make a donation directly into one our bank accounts, details are below:
Bank Name: Australia ANZ Bank
Branch: 014-679
Account Name: Vicki Langley
Bank Name: J Trust Royal Bank, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Swift Code: TCABKHPP
Account name: Volunteer Development Poverty Children Association
Account number : 701302
Fully tax deductible donations can be made directly to the donation account.
Cambodian relief fund.
BSB: 034238
Account: 397365
Please write a note( Donation for VDCA-Anlung Pi),also send us your your email details for tax receipts.
You can also make donations through one of our many International Partner Organizations, located in your country, which may be tax-deductible.
NZ The Pascha Foundation Charitable Trust | Pascha
Germany, AEG Ravensburg
Through Paypal
We can accept credit card donations from around the world through our Australian PayPal Account. Please be aware that money sent from outside Australia by credit card is subject to a 3 1/2% fee, which will be deducted from your donation.
Together for VDCA Anlung Pi, Cambodia
Click here for our fundraising page Keep our children at school by supporting VDCA Anlung Pi Free Schools.! , is based in the Australia but you can donate from around the world.
If you are not comfortable/familiar with bank transfers, or would like more information please contact us. If you would like to learn more about making a one time, regular donation or sponsorship, please contact us directly.