VDCA Cambodia

About Us

About Us

  1. VDCA Mission
  2. Our History

Project objectives
The Volunteer Development Children’s Association’s objectives are to:
• Enhance and develop general educational levels of underprivileged children.
• Teach the students to become responsible for their own lives, actions and to make decisions for positive change.
• Support the staff dedicated to this school via teacher training and financial incentives.
• Give foreigners the chance to contribute to development via volunteering.
• Promote Cambodian ownership and sustainability of the school.

Our History

The History of the school In February 2005, the Volunteer Development Children’s Association (VDCA) was established by two Buddhist monks, Rathana Nn and Togh Main, who wanted to give some of Siem Reap’s poorest children a future that would not depend on begging. With occasional donations and the help of some local and foreign volunteers, they struggled but managed to teach over a hundred children and teenagers in 2 simple, thatch classrooms for about a year. In spring 2006, enough funds had been raised to build a very basic school with 3 classrooms and student numbers jumped, reflecting the urgent desire for education in Cambodia . 

Rathana and Togh worked tirelessly with the help of local and foreign volunteers to provide free classes to their students and to cover the increasing monthly expenses. Tragically, 24-year-old director Rathana was killed in a car crash in April 2007 and the school’s future seemed as uncertain as ever. But out of this sad incident emerged a new alliance of volunteers and supporters worldwide who joined forces to ensure the school’s continued existence and development. With the help of many generous people around the globe, the school made tremendous progress.

 Togh took over as director thanks to his unwavering commitment, the school was maintained and developed further. By midyear, the land owner started building an apartment block right next to the school, encroaching upon it and making teaching very difficult for the noise and dust. At the same time, student numbers increased rapidly, so that the school’s four classrooms were constantly over-crowded. There was hardly any space left to park bicycles and the general condition of the school deteriorated further during the rainy season. All this led to the conclusion that the school needed to expand and relocate as soon as possible. With the help of numerous volunteers and supporters worldwide, enough money was raised to make this dream a reality. VDCA image

Land was located and cleared by November and construction plans made by December. The construction of the new school began in February and was completed in June. The official opening of the new school was celebrated with a Buddhist ceremony and a big party in August 2008. The costs of the new school came to 20,000 USD, which were completely covered by donations. Thanks to the tireless efforts and generous donations of many caring and committed people around the world, more than 600 children now have a wonderful new place to learn and play. 

The school consists of two concrete buildings with five bright and airy classrooms that can accommodate up to 40 students each, a staff room/office, a library, a computer lab as well as toilets and showers. A water reservoir supplies the school with water. The compound is surrounded by a yellow wall which the students have decorated with their artworks. In front of the buildings there is a wide courtyard for the children to play in. Hanging flowers and potted plants have been put everywhere. A little pavilion offers shelter on rainy and scorching afternoons for kids to play, talk and relax between classes. A ‘Bicycle Hotel’ made of gravel, wooden posts and tarp provides parking for students and volunteers. Later that year, a small basketball court was added and six new desktop computers were purchased.VDCA imageA one-month training program for teaching speaking classes for our teachers was conducted in August and September. The training involved learning basic EFL (English as a Foreign Language) methodology, resource management, lesson planning, teaching practice and evaluation.

Spring also saw the addition of more paintings and murals on the school’s walls which make it even more colorful. A vegetable garden was created and a grass roof was added to reduce the deafening noise of heavy rains on the tin roof. For the most recent news and pictures see our Facebook page.  Togh ( fb) :https://web.facebook.com/togh.main/ 

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